BAI Launched AI Forum with Mission of Belarus

Blockchain Alliance International co-organized with the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Belarus to the United Nations, the event “The Power of Artificial Intelligence: Threat or Leverage for International Peace and Security?” on February 12th, 2020. The event was moderated by the Permanent Representative of Belarus to the UN, Mr. Valentin Rybakov, while the keynote speeches were delivered by Deputy Foreign Minister of Belarus Andrei Dapkiunas and BAI Chairman Alexandru Cujba. Gathered participants, who packed the UN room, also heard from Mark Dalton, Senior Information Officer from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance (OCHA) and Ursula Wynhoven, Representative of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to the United Nations.

Ambassador Cujba made a presentation of Blockchain Alliance International, its mission and goals, and emphasized its positioning as a platform of collaboration between different governmental and private entities. He exemplified some technical and practical benefits and values of blockchain technology and highlighted the potential use of blockchain technology in UN activities. Mr. Cujba also took part in the interactive discussion that followed the formal presentations. The event’s theme, its format and level of participants were commended by the representatives of different countries; organizers were encouraged to continue with similar activities.

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