BAI Attended the 2021 ECOSOC Virtual Partnership Forum

On May 3rd, 2021 BAI attended the 2021 ECOSOC virtual Partnership Forum on the theme of “Partnerships as Game Changer for a Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19”.  BAI’s goal at the Forum was to learn from UN experiences, better understand the principles and mechanisms of UN partnerships, streamline the BAI partnership program, and share lessons learned with BAI partners.

BAI representatives observed the Forum discussions on the role of partnerships in driving sustainable development.  BAI also experienced the interaction between the representatives of the Member States, non-state stakeholders, and UN officials, and followed the discussions of the ways to mobilize multi-stakeholder partnerships to stimulate cooperative actions and learn from the successful partnerships that are accelerating the achievement of the SDGs.

In particular, BAI noted the message of the President of ECOSOC, Mr. Munir Akram, for raising the ambition for global partnership and solidarity, and the critical role of partnerships in mobilizing investments in sustainable infrastructure, including from the private sector, as well as in closing the digital divide. It was also important to notice that participants at the Forum stressed the critical role that multi-stakeholder partnerships can play in rallying not only finance, but also science, technology, and innovation, in support of sustainable recovery and development.

BAI will review its experience from attending the ECOSOC 2021 e-Partnership Forum and share it with its partners.